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2024年04月27日 星期五

【武漢肺炎@菲律賓】姐姐在菲要求回港!Migrants group calls for exemption of returning OFWs, residents from COVID-19 travel ban

中文翻譯: 移民團體呼籲免除海外菲律賓工人(OFWs) COVID-19旅行禁令


國際移民(Migrante International)在一份聲明中提到:“ 重申了對杜特爾特政府的要求,豁免OFWs,居民和學生旅行禁令。”

根據國際移民說法,旅行禁令影響了成千上萬的OFWs 和海外居民簽證持有人的收入, 包括加大他們有被解僱的風險。”



Migrants group calls for exemption of returning OFWs, residents from COVID-19 travel ban

Published February 13, 2020 5:17pm
Overseas Filipino workers (OFWs), residents and students who would like to travel back to Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan should be exempted from the travel ban imposed due to the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19), a migrants group said on Thursday.
“Migrante International reiterates its demand to the Duterte government to grant travel ban exemption to returning OFWs, residents and students,” Migrante International said in a statement.

According to the group, the travel ban affects the income of thousands of OFWs and overseas resident visa-holders. “They are at risk of getting terminated from employment,” Migrante added.

The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) said that stranded OFWS will receive P10,000 cash assistance.

“It is unacceptable that they should only receive a minuscule amount from OWWA for all the inconvenience and trouble that they are going through,” Migrante said.

【武漢肺炎@菲律賓】姐姐在菲要求回港!Migrants group calls for exemption of returning OFWs, residents from COVID-19 travel ban

中文翻譯: 移民團體呼籲免除海外菲律賓工人(OFWs) COVID-19旅行禁令


國際移民(Migrante International)在一份聲明中提到:“ 重申了對杜特爾特政府的要求,豁免OFWs,居民和學生旅行禁令。”

根據國際移民說法,旅行禁令影響了成千上萬的OFWs 和海外居民簽證持有人的收入, 包括加大他們有被解僱的風險。”



Migrants group calls for exemption of returning OFWs, residents from COVID-19 travel ban

Published February 13, 2020 5:17pm
Overseas Filipino workers (OFWs), residents and students who would like to travel back to Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan should be exempted from the travel ban imposed due to the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19), a migrants group said on Thursday.
“Migrante International reiterates its demand to the Duterte government to grant travel ban exemption to returning OFWs, residents and students,” Migrante International said in a statement.

According to the group, the travel ban affects the income of thousands of OFWs and overseas resident visa-holders. “They are at risk of getting terminated from employment,” Migrante added.

The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) said that stranded OFWS will receive P10,000 cash assistance.

“It is unacceptable that they should only receive a minuscule amount from OWWA for all the inconvenience and trouble that they are going through,” Migrante said.

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