人氣搜尋  屯門  荃灣  元朗  南豐中心  中環  將軍澳  菲傭
2024年07月27日 星期五
Hi Ma’am have a good day!!
My nane is Jean Borlado Edaya, i broked my contract, my last day of work on April 30, and I already found an employer to hire me, and I refer your agency for us to process our documents,what documents I should bring there? He told me to go there on May 3 to fill up some form,. This is my contact number 9*******
Break contract
1 答案
Hi Jean, will received yr enquiries but actually we are not an employment agency, we are just a local forum with years of experience on domestic helper recruitment, I am not so sure about which agency u work with before I only can confirmed that ECsearch is a discussion forum and have not partner with any employment agency and none of our staff are working from an employment agency as well. Please contact directly with your agency and yr tel will be masked in the message in order to protect yr personal privacy. Thanks :)
ECsearch 搵傭易專家
修改日期: 2020-04-25
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